Basic usage

  1. At section Input, it is possible to select either a local audio or video file to upload or one of the test files stored on the server. A file can also be drag and dropped into the upload area to directly start the upload.

  2. Pressing the Start button uploads any selected local file and processes the input file using the default audio noise reduction settings (or the currently selected ones, if "Fix settings for uploaded file" is checked). A progress bar shows the progress of the upload.

  3. Of the two audio players that appear at section Output, the upper one plays the original input audio while the lower one plays the latest noise reduction result. The latter can be downloaded by pressing the Download button.

  4. If noise reduction quality of the output needs to be improved: denoising parameters can be adjusted in section Settings, followed by either:

    • Keeping the radio button next to the original input file player checked before pressing Process. This runs a different noise reduction operation on the original input.

    • Checking the radio button next to the output file player before pressing Process. This applies a subsequent processing phase on the output of the previous phase. With this option, each processing phase gives a different output even if settings are otherwise unchanged.

  5. To return to previous output, press Previous version. The settings will also change to reflect the previous configuration. Pressing Previous version another time switches back to the newer version.

  6. The buttons in the beginning of section Settings can be used to select preset configurations. These include methods based on digital signal processing (DSP) and artificial intelligence (AI). The default configuration when uploading a new file corresponds to the button DSP – I.

  7. Longer recordings may take a while to process. It may take up to two minutes for the result to first appear after the uploading has finished. The audio player then updates automatically as more of the processed output becomes ready. If it stops updating and does not show the full length of the audio, you can try to reload the page. If that does not help, the full length output may still become available a few minutes later, so you can try to reload the page again.

For comments, suggestions, feedback and other matters related to this site, please contact audio**noise [at][gmail][com] (d,e in place of the asterisks).


Last modified: Sun Feb 11 21:38:21 UTC 2024